2023-06-09 18:25

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Women’s Aid Publish Their GE2024 Manifesto For Sharing On Social Media And With Your MP

Today the 9th June 2023, Women’s Aid issue their press release and email to supporters of the main organisation supporting women who are victims of violence against women and girls aka domestic abuse, publicising their General Election 2024 campaign Manifesto.

Detailing their aims of the campaign, they write:

‘With the next UK general election just around the corner, we want to see change for the safety of women and children, and we don’t have time to waste!

We've launched our manifesto outlining the changes we need to move towards a society where domestic abuse is no longer tolerated. In our manifesto, we are urging political parties to commit to the national prioritisation of domestic abuse and other forms of violence against women and girls in their 2024 General Election manifestos.’

Their email puts their demands of any political party wanting to be elected to form the next Government in simple terms:

We are clear politicians must pledge a commitment to the following three key pillars for change:

1. INVEST to save: fund specialist women’s services to save lives and money. Investment in specialist domestic abuse services, including those led ‘by and for’ the most marginalised women, could help the next government to save almost 4 billion pounds.

2. SUPPORT survivors: deliver the right response the first time.
Even before the start of a survivor’s journey to safety, they need to know that no matter where they turn, they will be supported and protected.

3. PREVENT abuse: transform societal attitudes and understanding.
To end domestic abuse, it is vital that we raise awareness and improve understanding of the causes, and to change attitudes to ensure we achieve a world where domestic abuse is no longer tolerated.  

Writing in the introduction to the Women’s Aid General Election 2024 Manifesto and referring to the funding crisis in the provision of support for women suffering domestic violence (both physical and mental), and the current cost to the NHS as a result: the organisation says:

‘Domestic abuse is an epidemic in our society – an estimated 1.7 million women experienced domestic abuse in England and Wales in the year ending March 2022.

With only around one in five survivors reporting to the police, the response needs to extend beyond the criminal justice system.

Yet the experiences of survivors and our member services show that there is currently no sufficiently joined-up, whole-system response to domestic abuse. Failing to help survivors of domestic abuse the first time they come forward is expensive - £78 billion per year on average – and resource-intensive for public services like the NHS and police, as its leads to repeated and additional interventions.

With the adequate provision of specialist support services, at the annual cost of £427 million, the domestic abuse sector could save the public purse as much as £23 billion a year.

A fully funded whole-system response with robust training across the public sector and efficient referral pathways could reap even greater savings.

Women’s Aid is clear that we need to see a seismic shift towards a whole system approach that can better understand and address the needs of survivors, as well as recognise the value that specialist women's and ‘by and for’ domestic abuse services deliver.

Domestic abuse and other forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) are violations of human rights and a form of discrimination against women.

This manifesto focuses on women and children who have experienced domestic abuse. Whilst recognising that both 'survivor' and 'victim' can be used interchangeably depending on the context, Women's Aid primarily uses the term 'survivor'.’

The above facts arefully referenced in the document itself.

The public are urged to get behind the Women’s Aid GE2024 Manifesto by sharing it on social media and with their MP, as well their family and friends because the issues involved are of utmost importance to those suffering domestic abuse, and to society as a whole both in terms of the financial cost to the country of doing nothing to stem this ‘epidemic’.

Domestic abuse or more correctly Violence Against Women and Girls, takes many forms physically, sexually and mentally, this situation it tantamount to being discriminatory, and an assault on the rights of women and girls who make up 51% of our society.

The document itself can be downloaded by clicking on the image above and from the Unionsafety E-Library here

Women’s Aid are asking you to share their Manifesto on social media by clicking here

Source: Women’s Aid / unionsafety

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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